Speccy ClassiX 1998
Speccy ClassiX 98.iso
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Maxi-Text Version 2.4 File insert functions
In the same way that MAXsBBS uses the '%' character to check for
auto-inserted text, Maxi-Text uses the '╗' chracter, followed by an
opening bracket, function, length, and a closing bracket.
This will insert the 'Top Uploaders' name and make the name 20 characters
long. This can cause the string to be truncated or padded with spaces.
Will insert the 'Top Dowloaders' name, using the default length.
All silly questions will be answered here.
Yes: You can still use MAXsBBS commands eg: like '%Z', Maxi-Text will
simply pass them through.
There is a limit on all the differant functions of 30 users, if you need
more then let me know. (except for 'Last User'). Do not try to go
further than 30, as there is no bounds checking.
To use the start specifer '╗', use left-alt and 0 (top of keyboard, not
numerical keypad). All functions MUST be surrounded by an opening and
closing bracket '( )'. The start specifer should appear as 2 arrows
pointing right, depending on your font.
If you want to use a size specifier you MUST put a ':' after the
function, and before the size.
You may NOT put imbedded functions in, they will be ignored.
This program can be used on KickStart releases less than 36, as long as
NO 'Last User' or 'Top Message Date and Time' functions are called.
These are the Maxi-Text functions, the default length is in characters.
All strings left justified. Numeric values are right justified.
Numeric values are padded with spaces, not '0's.
Data Function format:
╗(3_character_function_name[:optional_size]) eg: ╗(tun:30) or ╗(tun)
Jump function format:
Forward and jumping:
Calling ╗(tu+) will push the top uploader forward 1, or calling ╗(tu+:5)
will push the top uploader to number 5.
All stats start at 0 when loaded, and must be pushed to 1 to start.
Calling ╗(tu-) will pull the top uploader back one, and will not push it
back to less than the first entry. The back function doesn't support
jumping, to jump to level use the '+' functions.
The '-' is supported so that list can be produced in reverse order.
String duplicate format:
This MUST be first on the line, the rest of the line will be duplicated
the amount of times specified.
╗(*10) ╗(tu+) ╗(tu?) ╗(tun)
Will list the top ten uploaders.
Todays users duplicate:
This MUST be first on the line, the rest of the line will be duplicated
for as many users that have been on the same day.
Only use 'Last User' function here, or it will not make sence.
Full function list:
Function name may be in upper or lower case.
Function: Description: Default length:
tu+ Goto next
tu- Go back 1
tu? Current number 2
tun Name of top uploader 40
tuf Number of files uploaded 5
td+ Goto next
td- Go back 1
td? Current number 2
tdn Name of top downloader 40
tdf Number of files downloaded 5
ta+ Goto next
ta- Go back 1
ta? Current number 2
tan Name of top author 40
tam Number of messages written 5
tc+ Goto next
tc- Go back 1
tc? Current number 2
tcn Name of top caller 40
tct Number of times called 5
tr+ Goto next
tr- Go back 1
tr? Current number 2
trn Name of top ratio holder 40 *
trr Ratio level of holder 4
tru Holders uploads 5
trd Holders downloads 5
trf Files holder is in front of ratio 5
* Top ratio is based on : trf = (uploads X ratio) - downloads
If you run on a zero ratio system, don't use this function, as it will
not generate a listing.
tl+ Goto next
tl- Go back 1
tl? Current number 2
tln Name of top leech 40
tlu Holders uploads 5
tld Holders downloads 5
tlf Files downloaded more than uploaded 5
tf+ Goto next
tf- Go back 1
tf? Current number 2
tfn Top file downloaded 40
tfu Top file uploader name 40
tft Number of times downloaded 5
tp+ Goto next
tp- Go back 1
tp? Current number 2
tpn Top download cps name 40
tpr Top cps rate 4
tm+ Goto next
tm- Go back 1
tm? Current number 2
tms Top message subject 40
tmf Top message from 40
tmd Top message date # 9 dd-mmm-yy
tmm Top message time # 5 hh:mm 24hr
tmt Top message time # 8 hh:mm ?m 12hr
tmr Top message replies 4
lu+ Goto next
lu- Go back 1
lu? Current number 2
lun Last user name 40
lus Last user suburb 40
luc Last user computer 20
luu Last user uploads 5
lud Last user downloads 5
lur Last user messages read 5
lul Last user messages left 5
lub Last user baud rate * 5
luo Last user online time # 5 hh:mm
luf Last user flags ** # 6
lol Last user logon time # 5 hh:mm 24hr
lot Last user logon time # 8 hh:mm ?m 12hr
lod Last user logon date # 9 dd-mmm-yy
loy Last user logon day # 9
lfl Last user logoff time # 5 hh:mm 24hr
lft Last user logoff time # 8 hh:mm ?m 12hr
lfd Last user logoff date # 9 dd-mmm-yy
lfy Last user logoff day # 9
ltu Last user uploads (total) 5
ltd Last user downloads (total) 5
ltm Last user messages (total) 5
ltc Last user calls (total) 5
day List Generation Day # 9
dat List Generation Date # 9 dd-mmm-yy
fdt List Generation Full Date #25 day-month-year
mon List Generation Month # 8
yer List Generation Year # 4 XXXX
12h List Generation 12 hour time # 8 hh:mm ?m
24h List Generation 24 hour time # 5 hh:mm
sec List Generation seconds # 2
Although the 'Last User' data is not stored in the Maxi-Text
configuration file, it is very quick to access the data. However, if you
use any of the functions that require infomation from the user.data,
such as totals, suburb and computer. The access time will be much
slower, as the data must be sought and retrieved.
# These functions cannot have their length changed in this release.
Most of them will only make sense if they are left at their default
lenghts anyway. All the time functions are at their minimum length, and
the day strings are set for the longest day of the week string.
* For local logins, the baud rate will be shown as 'Local'. If you want
to change it, use a hex editor!
** Last user flags are a set amount of characters and should not be
adjusted, the flags are - XRLUDP. If a field is blank, it will be
shown as a '-'. These are the characters shown for each field;
X Logoff type
N - Normal
T - Twitted
S - Slow Baud
Z - Slow Login
D - Sleep Disconnect
L - Locked out
C - Lost carrier
H - Security violation
O - Out of time
B - BBS reserved / system event / forced hangup / userfile full
? - System error.
R Read messages
L Left messages
U Uploaded
D Downloaded
P Paged sysop
You may use the last user functions as often as you like, they are
limited only by the size of the log.data. If the Log.data runs out, it
will return to the end and continue from there (Log.Data is read in
Some Hints for speeding up Maxi-text
Maxi-Text by it's nature is a slow program, because it reads such huge
amounts of data to process the lists..
To speed up the proccessing, try these options:
If you don't want to use message funcitons, turn it off, as messages tend
to be the largest files to process.
Set CPS and Files to NOT always update, while this may not be as accurate,
it is much faster to do so.
Use the new 2.0 multiline functions, the line only needs to be read once
and is duplicated from memory and saves a lot of disk overhead.
Try not to run the proram at every logoff, try only running it at a
maintenance period.
Run Maxi-Text on your Cray-3 and port the data across.